Bats in the Belfry

old man river saidyou can go your own wayif you just leave him alonedo not deliver all your things todaywe are going homeoh mama we now so hungary [CHORUS:]I got bats in the belfryI’m in the kitchen, boiling societyI’m in the open catching all the leaveswe all see what we […]

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Bang Bang

she woke me up with a bang, banglooking over cross eyed had a bighunch that the world was a big liewhen I got up all the blood to my headI got so dizzy fell back to my bedI went over to the way sidelooking for the high tidewhat will I […]

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Here We Go

[CHORUS:]here we goleave it on the back burnertake it to the dry town I got the mean time slippin’ downthe slide some uptight right wing,political homicide, do what you want,take what you will, take it in like a southpaw, flip it on the grillbourgeoise, protocolbottoms up boys this is the […]

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Bridges (Stringth In Numbers)

the furrowed bed of sand worries againas it had before, waves left the land.for the falling leaves the child weepeing alone,he’s letting go of the anchor and all the lines…waiting for the fingers of the grey waveof his mother’s hand to roll over himwith endless water… 10,000 bridgesshow me […]

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Born Normal

orn a normal child, but the dream it didn’t last longwould you hold him down, my god why does he hang onsomeone do somethign, don’t turn in disgustlook him in the eyescan he hear us- can he hear uscalling back to my friendwon’t you write me again, won’t you say […]

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Open Up

they were looking for me when I came tothey were looking for me when I came backsaid hey you, you’re looking very suspiciousI said relax man get off my backI said relax man get off my back I, I, I ain’t opposed to seeking justicebut you’re going about it all […]

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[man:]I saw you yesterdayyour eyes were the colorof some kind of grey.I hear what you’re sayingplease, don’t let me goI’ve got all the peopledown below.they rush to talk; they rush to sayman overboard…may day…may day… may day…troubles are brought back by youfunny how we, we go downwe go anywhere, but […]

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Prince of Spades

coming back coming home the queen of love enters the roomsilence ensues… to the king what have you done to my lifedid you take me for a fool or for a wife and the king is in his courtcounting all his diamondsone by one they do fall says the queen […]

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Just Like Larry

I’d like to jettison your medicineback to where you came fromyou keep your bell and edisonaway from my grandsonstand son on your own bonedon’t forget the home that you come fromdon’t let them say your name wrong just like larry I’ll take it to the hoopmake one false move in […]

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so all of a sudden I’m facing araging river that passed me bydo I turn around, do I turn my eyeto the sun in the apex of the high noonI’m on a flatbed yellow pick upunderneath a half moon so cut me some slack jack and jump inthe back if […]

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Questioned Apocalypse

I went down to the drug store to check my head againstthe bright light but she caught me from behindand though I did not know and though I did not careI could not tell that I was blind to think my world a bubbleand to think that my brother’s was […]

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Flying Horses

the river of doubt gave birth to a beautiful stoneand in my hands I held it and I knew I was on my ownso I picked it up and held it to the skyand in my reflection. I knew I was all alonethen I saw this girl with the most […]

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Well I’m moving kind of slowDown that same old pathWasting time inside this hour glassShe’s coming up ahead nowAnd I feel, yes I feelMy head turning like a race car wheelMaybe I’ll try to say hi another timeI’ve gotta find a way to get inside your mindI’ll talk smoothe and […]

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kasiwa imakasimba erendakasimba kana makasimba owndakasimbayou raise your head, you beat the sunbut your boys they lie so close to youdo you dare get up and wake the two oh elias, I see you there at work in the day timedo you think you could answer all the questions in […]

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let it be known, to all you misbelievin’what you’ve been seein’that we will not standwill not be mistakenwe’ll go there leave this weaknessdon’t take this from mewe’ll go there leave this weakness’cause I have been waiting [CHORUS:]Lo we are not so we’re on a missionLo we are not so we’re […]

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