La Carta

Te escribo desde el silencioDónde el miedo tiene excusaDónde el tiempo se pierdeDónde el odio no cura la bandera que de noche me ahoga. La oscuridad me inunda, mis fuerzas se pierdenSin nada más que decirte me despido hasta siempre. Cuando leas esta carta, no cierres esos ojosQue tienen la […]

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I’m finding my way back to sanity againThough I don’t really know whatI’m going to do when I get thereTake a breath and hold on tightSpin around one more timeAnd gracefully fall back to the arms of Grace I am hanging on every word you sayAnd even if you don’t […]

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He soñado siempre con poder soñarDesplegar los brazos y no aterrizarConociendo otros lugaresY verdades más alláY sentarme en una nube a descansarBeber de esta libertadY dejarme llevarLa la ra la. He soñado siempre con poder dormirSobre un lecho de algas y coralDisfrutar de ese silencioQue reina siempre allíY viajar encima […]

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Lloran Piedras

Detengo los barcos de papel, el viento se asoma de puntillas Te asesino con un beso y se descubre el crimenPido el carnet a las colillas, apago los ojos de los gatos. El atardecer sentado en mis rodillas se come una naranjaGalopan mis días perdidos de ayer, mis días de […]

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Only One

She’s got a pretty smile it covers up the poison that she hides She walks around in circles in my head waiting for a chance to take me a Chance to break me a chance to take me down now i see this burden you gave me is too much […]

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Somewhere In Between

I can’t meet Losing sleep over this No I can’t And now I cannot stop pacing Give me a few hours I’ll have this all sorted out If my mind would just stop racing Cause I cannot stand still I can be this unsturdy This cannot be happening This is […]

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Catch your breath hit the wall scream out loud as you start to crawl back in Your cage the only place where they will leave you alone ’cause the weak will Seek the weaker until they’ve broken them could you get it back again Would it be the same fulfillment […]

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find me herespeak to mei want to feel youi need to hear youyou are the lightthat is leading meto the place wherei find peace againyou are the strengththat keeps me walkingyou are the hopethat keeps me trustingyou are the life to my soulyou are my purposeyou are everythingand how can […]

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Dile Al Sol

Hubo una guerra en la antigüedad, que separó un joven y dulce amorÉl tuvo que ir al frente a lucharFue una lanza la que atravesó, mil sentimientos y un corazónÉl murió de pie, nunca regresó. Vuelve a miY dame tu mano al andarVuelve a miY mira mis ojos llorar. Dile […]

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Que Puedo Pedir

No me hables de amor, deja que expulse hoy mi rencorTú fuiste una vez, alguien que quise y también odié. Mírame a mi, mis ojos se van cerrando, se van cerrando Dime que puedo pedir, no tienes, no tienes nada que me haga seguirTe falta un shu shu o un […]

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You can be right And I’ll be real Oh, and it still won’t be a pain That you will have to feel Cause I don’t need your approval To find my worth I’m trapped inside of my own mind Afraid to open my eyes cause of what I’d find and […]

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Corre, dejaló atrás, no busques la razónEl miedo no acepta excusas, no tiene compasión. No dejes que te atrapé a tiHuye de esta ilusión. Cuando una pesadilla te atrapa, la maldadTe cubre con su manto negro y te arrastra sin parar. No dejes que te atrapé a tiHuye de esta […]

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Why would I chase your shadow all my lifeAnd be afraid of my own?I’d rather be with youI’d rather not know Where I’ll be than Be alone and convinced that I know When the world keeps spinning roundMy world’s upside downYou and I wouldn’t change a thingI’ve got nothing else […]

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Sick Cycle Carousel

If shame had a face I think it would kind of look like mine If it had a home would it be my eyesWould you believe me if I said I’m tired of thisWell here we go now one more time I tried to climb your stepsI tried to chase […]

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Hanging By A Moment

Desperate for changing Starving for truth Closer where i Started Chasing after you i’m falling even more in love with you letting go of all i’ve held onto i’m standing here until you make me move i’m hanging by a moment here with you forgetting all i’m lacking completely and […]

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