848. bend end good afternoon sms

bend end good afternoon smsOften we stand at lifes crossroads & view, what we think is the END. But a true frnd tells “relax dude,itz juz a BEND & not the END”.Good afternoon.

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706. smilies good afternoon sms

(‘-‘) Smiling(!.!) Crying(‘;’) Angry(‘:’) Bored(‘.’) Proud(‘o’) Hungry(‘?’) Confuse(-.-) Sleepy I lik 2 accompny u in evry mood :-)Good Afternoon

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453. good afternoon sms rose

good afternoon sms roseAnybdy can love a rose but no 1 luvs a leaf that adds beauty 2 rose!MORAL: Dont luv some1who is beautiful, but luv t 1 who cn make Ur life beautiful..Good afternoon my rose

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