1932. Subh Dhanteras sms message

Subh Dhanteras sms messageGod’s blessing may cum asa surpriseAnd how much U receiveDepends on how muchUr Heart can believe.May U be blessed beyondwat U expect..“Subh Dhanteras”.

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1931. dhanteras sms in gujarati

dhanteras sms in gujaratiDinodin badhta jaye apka karobar, pariwar me bana rahe sneh aur pyar, hoti rahe sada apar dhanki bochar, aisa ho apka DHANTERAS ka tyohar.HAPPY DHANTERAS

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1924. diwali msg

diwali msgMay this diwali Light up new dreams, fresh hopes, undiscovered avenues, different perspectives, everythin bright & beautifulfil and fill ur days with pleasant surprises and moments.

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1925. deepavali greetings

deepavali greetingsI Pray to God to give U Shanti, Shakti, Sampati, Swarup, Saiyam, Saadgi, Safalta, Samridhi, Sanskar, Swaasth, Sanmaan, Saraswati, aur SNEH. SHUBH DIWALI..

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1923. dipawali festival greetings sms

dipawali festival greetings sms“Laxmi aayegi itni ki sab jagah Naam hoga,Laxmi aayegi itni ki sab jagah Naam hoga,Din raat vyapar bade itna adhik kaam hoga,Ghar Pariwar samaj me banoge Sartaj,Yehi Kamna hai hamari aap ke liyeDiwali ki Dhero Shubh Kamanaye….”

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1918. diwali poems

diwali poemsToday’s the `Festival of Lights’ all o’er;A joyful day for minds and hearts and souls;And people throng the Temples to offer,Prayers, resolving to take better roles.

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1917. diwali greetings

diwali greetingsAdults are cheerful and smiling with joyThere are lots of fireworkswhich you and me enjoyAnd now that we’re celebrating DiwaliI know that people are jolly

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