
i show pitty on the human race,on the ignorant plenty who devote their lives to an icon that they’ve never known.i show pitty on eons past,when early man started the first civilization and human aggression was born.i show pitty on the future to come,when the government system will be omnipotent […]

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Part III

The final page is written in the books of history,As man unleashed his deadly bombs and sent troops overseasTo fight a war which can’t be won and kills the human race,A show of greed and ignorance, man’s quest for dominance. They say when a mistake is made, a lesson can […]

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Doing Time

see the fight, old men crying, deny their ruin.watch them try. the cynic laughs at the optimist’s closed eyes.darkness falls, curtain calls, the cynic’s beer soon overflows.other watches, has a seat, and from the same cup, they drink.i’m doin’ time, how long i don’t know.william had 26, blew his brains […]

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American Dream

i hate my family, hate my school, speed limits and the golden rule.hate people who aren’t what they seem, more than anything else, american dream.american dream’s gonna swallow you whole, it’s bursting at the seam,it’ll sweep you away, so enjoy it today, tomorrow you’ll be old thus useless.american dream . […]

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Faith In God

it’s all right to have faith in godbut when you bend to their rules and their fucking liesthat’s when i start to have pity on you.you’re living on a mound of dirt,but you can’t explain your reason for existence so you blame it on god.so much hatred in this world […]

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Into The Night

in the city, the day is too hotand you’re hoping for relief, cuz your head is filled with pain,but you get no relief, cuz the night is the same . . .in the night, in the night you see through jaded eyes.in the night, in the night you feel barely […]

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Eat Your Dog

weak and sick, dying in the sand, no such thing as a promised land.don’t lose faith in a better life reincarnation, poor excuse.you’re dying you assholes, your religion can’t help you now.dying and starving in the fields you used to plow.rotting bones in your barren fields. worshipped creature’s supposed to […]

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presidential election every four years but neither man we can see or hearurgent cries for society but he can’t see the blood on medo you see?do you see too much for me?try that with our oligarchy,try that with our oligarchy,oligarchy, oligarchy.

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Latch Key Kids

in this world today there ain’t nobody to thank,just blame it on the kids and toss ’em into the tank.and if they yell for justice we’ll hide them from the lightso that when they learn the truth they won’t be scared of the night.put the key in the hole when […]

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Fuck Armageddon… This Is Hell

there’s people out there that say i’m no good,cause i don’t believe the things that i should,and when the final conflict comes, i’ll be so sorry i did wrong,and hope and pray that our lord god will think i’m good.countries manufacture bombs and gunsto kill your brother for something that […]

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Damned To Be Free

death and the shadow that it casts on life scares me little or none.people tell me of a divine right and the happy chosen one.i’m a freak ’cause my morals clash with others in the world.i go home while they work hard, then they same i’m wrong.there’s only one place […]

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