
Lashing out the action, returning the reactionWeak are ripped and torn awayHypnotizing power, crushing all that cowerBattery is here to stay chorus :Smashing through the boundarieslunacy has found mecannot stop the BatteryPounding out aggressionturns into obsessioncannot kill the BatteryCannot kill the familyBattery is found in meBattery Crushing all deceivers, mashing […]

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Leper Messiah

Spineless from the start, sucked into the partcircus comes to town, you play the lead clownPlease, pleasespreading his disease, living by his storyKnees, kneesfalling to your knees, suffer for his gloryYou will Chorus:Time for lust, time for lietime to kiss your life goodbyeSend me money, send me greenHeaven you will […]

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Master Of Puppets

End of passion play, crumbling awayI’m your source of self-destructionVeins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clearLeading on your deaths construction Chorus:Taste me you will seemore is all you needyou’re dedicated tohow I’m killing youCome crawling fasterobey your Masteryour life burns fasterobey your MasterMaster Master of Puppets I’m pulling your […]

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Damage, Inc.

Dealing out the agony withincharging hard and no one’s gonna give inLiving on your knees, conformityor dying on your feet for honestyInbred, our bodies work as onebloody, but never cry submissionFollowing our instinct not a trendgo against the grain until the end Chorus:Blood will follow bloodDying time is hereDamage Incorporated […]

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Disposable Heroes

Bodies fill the fields I see, hungry heroes endNo one to play soldier now, no one to pretendrunning blind through killing fields, bred to kill them allVictim of what said should bea servant `til I fall Chorus:Soldier boy, made of claynow an empty shelltwenty one, only sonbut he served us […]

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