All through the night
I’ll be awake and I’ll be with you
all through the night
this precious time when time is new,
oh all through the night today
knowing we feel the same without saying
we have no past we won’t reach back
keep with me foreward all through the night
and once we start the meter clicks
and it goes running all through the night
until it ends there is no end
all through the night
stray cat is crying so stray cat sings back
all through the night
they have foprgotten what by day they lack
oh under those white street lamps
there is a chance they may see
we have no past we won’t reach back
keep with me foreward althrough the night
and once we start the meter clicks
and it goes running althrough the night
until it ends there is no end
oh the sleep in your eyes is enough
let me be there let me stay there awhile
we have no past we won’t reach back
keep with me foreward althrough the night
and once we start the meter clicks
and it goes running althrough the night
until it ends there is no end
keep with me foreward althrough the night
and once we start the meter clicks
and it goes running althrough the night
until it ends there is no end
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