Friendship SMS


Lovely friendship is like standing on the wet cement,
longer u stay harder it is 2 leave and if u try 2 go,
u cant go without leaving ur footprint


“If u trust sumone, trust till the end;
whatever d results may be”
In the end either u’ll have a

very good friend or a very good lesson:-):-)


“Never choose a dearone without understanding
and never loose a dearone because of mis-understanding”…


FRIENSHIP is good network in the world,
No_age limit
No_signal problem
BUT DON’T switch off ur HEART.


I mày nòt b thè ìmpòrtànt pérsòn ìn ur lìfè.
Bt ì jùst hòpé tat some dày wen ù hèàr my nàmè
ù wòùld jùst smìlé n sày ì hàd à frnd ìn thìs nàmè.


Make a friend..
it’s a gift…!!
Have a friend..
it’s a grace…!!
Keep a friend..
it’s a virtue…!!
But be a friend..
it’s an honour..!!


Missing a gud friends in life is equal to
cheating the life by ourself.!
So, Dont ever miss ‘YOUR’ friends at
anytime till the end of life..


Mother Terasa :”Dont expect your
FRIEND to be a perfect person” But,
“Help your FRIEND to become aperfect person”.


My HeartAsksSomethingfrom
U..GUESS..?? ¤¤ # .+” “+” “+.”¤ ¤” “+. .+” “
LifeLong Friendship with “YOU”


Nobody wil ever remember how u look,
how u speak, wat u did. But only thing they remember
life long abt u is how u made them feel..
Pain is not felton the day ofmissing of ur
Dearone’s….It is really feltwhen u live
eachday withoutthem & with their memories in ur heart…


Let ur belief be true.
But ur some friends never think about ur goodwil.
They shows very sweet and helpful in front of u.
After that the same person says bad about u and cheat u.


Man to his friend :
“My Boss Laid Off300 people.
He calls that’Giving Back tothe Community’.
Once “U”Miss,”U” CannotJoin Again…
That Is”LOVE” !
Once “U”Join,
“U” CannotMiss…That’s”FRIENDSHIP” !!
So don’t miss your good frienDS.

Shores never meet but they share the same ocean.
d moon n stars could not be one yet r in one sky.
friends don’t meet often but never stop being friends.

You are 99% beautifulyou are 98% sweet.
You are 97% nice.
You are 96% cute.
You are 95% lovely.
butmost important is
You are 100% my friend good morning


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Posted in Mobile Sms Messages.

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