Get $100 in Ad Credit Instantly

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

Not a Ads User?
Get $100 in Ad Credit to Become One!

To help you get started with your ad campaign and attract more shoppers, has authorized to provide all users that are not yet part of our Ads program $100 dollars in free advertising credit* to spend on the Advertising network when signing up for a new Ads account.

What do you have to do to get the $100?

Create your ads in minutes

  1. Visit: Click Here Now
  2. Simply choose a title / Upload your banner image
  3. Two lines of a description and you are set to go. (text advertising only)
  4. Use coupon code eplinx
  5. Your ads will appear in the categories you have chosen within minutes.

Results are an opportunity to reach large, targeted audiences while they actively engage with the most compelling content on the web.

True Return on Investment (ROI) for You!

Well, there you have it: $100 in free advertising credit just to sign up with Ads. Go grab it while you can! looks forward to meeting and exceeding all of your advertising needs.

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to Contact Now at anytime.
For immediate assistant click Chat With to talk with an Live Sales & Support Specialist.

Posted in Deals.

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