I’m a happy woman
I made my choice in life
I chose to settle down
I chose to be a wife
And I take pleasure in my quiet hearth
And happy home
I never gave my heart
Its chance to roam
I could have been a sailor
And sailed the seven seas
The wind in my face all day
Can you taste the salty breeze?
I could have been a lover
Watchin’ waves before me part
But I settled for safer harbors
Of my heart
I’m a lucky woman
I’m the envy of my peers
Never ask for favors
And I never show my fears
Surrounded by too many friends,
I am a one-man band
With all the trappings of
A life lived second-hand
I could have been a sailor
Rollin’ through the night
My sails before the wind
And the stars my only light
I could have been a dreamer
But dreams just fall apart
So, I settled for safer harbors
Of my heart
And I take pleasure in my quiet hearth
And happy home
I never gave my heart
A chance to roam
I could have been a sailor
And sailed the seven seas
The wind in my face all day
Can you taste the salty breeze?
I could have been a dreamer
But dreams just fall apart
So, I settled for safer harbors
Of my heart
I settled for safer harbors
Of my heart
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