How to get Pregnant Faster

Even if you’re at the peak of reproductive health, it can take longer than you’d like to conceive, so you can move forward with the next steps of your journey towards parenthood. Fertility is a matter of odds, and even if you have a 90% chance of conceiving in any given month, that’s not the same as a guarantee.

If you have any kind of challenge to your fertility, it erodes those odds and makes it less likely you can get pregnant each time you try. While a low fertility doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get pregnant – you can still succeed with low odds – you stand a much better chance if you can take steps to help to improve your body’s reproductive health, and get pregnant faster. We’re taking a look today at a few of the ways you can do that.

Ovulating More Often

One of the most common reasons for people to have difficulty conceiving is that they ovulate infrequently and irregularly. If you can stimulate your body to ovulate more frequently it can help to even the odds in your favour.

If the reason your ovulation cycle is disrupted is PCOS – one of the most common fertility conditions, affecting an estimated 20% of women in the UK – then you can stimulate more frequent ovulation by trying to lose some of the weight the condition causes you to gain. This addresses the driver of the symptoms you’re suffering from: an overproduction of insulin. If you can lose some weight (perhaps supporting diet and exercise with an inositol supplement), you can persuade your body to reduce the level of insulin it makes, and ovulate more frequently.

Even if your fertility issues aren’t linked to ovulation frequency, it can help to ovulate more. If the health of your eggs is poor – meaning they have a short lifespan and less chance of developing into an embryo even if they encounter sperm, it could be helpful to take a drug like Clomid that stimulates you to ovulate more, simply giving you more chances to conceive!

Spotting Ovulation

Another vital step you can take to help with a quick conception is to identify when you ovulate. If you don’t know when your body does this, it’s impossible to target the all important ‘fertile window’ when sperm and egg stand the best chance of meeting.

A fertility monitor can help you by recording your Basal Body Temperature – this changes across the length of your cycle, and isn’t affected by the hormonal disruptions of PCOS so it’s a good measure to help people with irregular cycles ensure they’re not losing out on opportunities to get pregnant.

Posted in Health, Health & Fitness, Health Care & Medical.

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