Funny SMS Text Messages 2 Punjabi 2 Punjabi Titianic Film Daihk Rahay Thay.. Fil Khatam Howi To Dono Kehnay Lagay.“Laa Das Aaa Ki Fil Hoi“Film Khatam Ho Gai Per SULTAN RAHi Nai Aya.. Always SmilinG
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Funny SMS Text Messages 2 Punjabi 2 Punjabi Titianic Film Daihk Rahay Thay.. Fil Khatam Howi To Dono Kehnay Lagay.“Laa Das Aaa Ki Fil Hoi“Film Khatam Ho Gai Per SULTAN RAHi Nai Aya.. Always SmilinG
Wife is a “Received” call; Girlfriend is “Dialled” call;Sali is “Missed” callLove is “Waiting” call;BUTFriendship is “Fevicol”
Sweet candies are nice to eat Sweet words are easy to say but, sweet ppl are hard to find OH MY GOD! how did u find me
Sardar was smoking infront of his father Friend: Oye Abbe De Samne Smoking…! Sardar: Abba Hi Hai Na, Koi Petrol Pump Tey Nahi….
My Nights are becoming sleepless, My Days r becoming restless. So i asked God…Is this love? GOD said… idiot… Summer has started!
When I miss you, I read your SMS. When I want to see you, I just close my eyes. and When I want to listen you, I simply throw a stone over a Donkey.