* Has anyone seen my watch?
* That was some party last night. I can’t remember when I’ve been that drunk.
* Damn! Page 47 of the manual is missing!
* Well this book doesn’t say that… What edition is your manual?
* OK, now take a picture from this angle. This is truly a freak of nature.
* Better save that. We’ll need it for the autopsy.
* Come back with that! Bad Dog!
* Wait a minute, if this is his spleen, then what’s that?
* Hand me that…uh…that uh…..thingies
* If I can just remember how they did this on ER last week.
* Hey, has anyone ever survived 500ml of this stuff before?
* Damn, there go the lights again…
* Ya know, there’s big money in kidneys. Hell, the guy’s got two of ’em.
* Everybody stand back! I lost my contact lens!
* Could you stop that thing from beating; it’s throwing my concentration off.
* I wish I hadn’t forgotten my glasses.
* Well folks, this will be an experiment for all of us.
* Sterile, shcmeril. The floor’s clean, right?
* What do you mean he wasn’t in for a sex change!
* What do you mean, he’s not insured?
* This patient has already had some kids, am I correct?
* Nurse, did this patient sign the organ donation card?
* Don’t worry. I think it is sharp enough.
* What do you mean “You want a divorce”!
* I don’t know what it is, but hurry up and pack it in ice.
* Let’s hurry; I don’t want to miss “Bay Watch”
* That laughing gas stuff is pretty cool. Can I have some more of that?
* Hey Charlie, unzip the bag on that one, he’s still moving.
* Did the doctor know he would look like that afterwards?
* Of course I’ve performed this operation before, Nurse!
* FIRE! FIRE! Everyone get out!
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